Randy Brown Mantis Boxing

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Guest Appearance: Fight Commentary Chats w/ Jerry Liu

We have Randy from Mantis Boxing. Randy has trained in Chinese Martial Arts, with a focus on the Mantis Style of Chinese Kungfu. Randy also has trained Brazi...

I recently had the privilege to be invited on Jerry’s new podcast - Fight Commentary Chats. Some of you may have already come across Jerry in your YouTube travels, he and his peers host a now popular martial arts channel on YouTube known as Fight Commentary Breakdowns.

Jerry and I had an awesome chat about our backgrounds and experiences, Chinese martial arts, MMA, fake masters and the recent challenge matches disrupting the old guard in Chinese boxing styles and forcing change. Strap yourself in and get hooked on this lively, content filled dialogue that is sure to entertain.

Check out more of Jerry’s videos or join him on social media at the following sites/apps: