The Way of the Mantis Boxer

Check out this preview of an awesome video put together by two of my students - Vincent Tseng, and Thomas McNair. They worked hard on this live format depiction of the 12 Keywords of Mantis Boxing. 

Go to Vincent's channel to see the full video here -

More on the 12 Keywords of Mantis Boxing:

  1. Hook (Gōu 勾)
  2. Clinch (Lǒu 摟)
  3. Pluck (Cǎi 採)
  4. Connect (Zhān 粘)
  5. Cling (Nián 黏)
  6. Hang (Guà 掛)
  7. Wicked (Diāo 刁)
  8. Enter (Jìn 進)
  9. Crush (Bēng 崩)
  10. Strike (Dǎ 打)
  11. Adhere (Tiē 貼)
  12. Lean (Kào 靠)

Randy Brown

MISSION - To empower you through real martial arts training. Provide you a welcoming atmosphere to train in a safe manner with good people that you can trust.